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Welcome to Hartlepool and District Dyspraxia Support Group


 We are a local support group for those families who have a child (or children!) whom suffers from Dyspraxia. We also aim to help families with associated conditions and the catchment area, as it were, has now extended to members in Billingham and as far as Stockton.

In its original form Dyspraxia is actually two words: Dys which means bad and Praxis which essentially means movement. This is a basic definition of what Dyspraxia is. However, this does not explain it fully. Dyspraxia effects gross motor skills (large movement), fine motor skills (small movements) speech and language skills, eye movements, sensory perceptions and both learning and emotional difficulties. So people with Dyspraxia may find difficulties with activities that others may take for granted. Try to imagine doing everyday activities whilst wearing thick oven gloves and you will get an idea of how dyspraxia may effect people.

We meet on a  Saturday from 1p.m. till 3 p.m during term time at the Belle Vue Sports Centre, were parents can have a chat and a cuppa and the chldren can either have some focussed art time to help develop their fine motor skills or some physical activities to help with gross motor skills.  


Even more recently we have had conformation of some really great news.  Iain Wright, MP for Hartlepool and generally a really great person has agreed to be our  patron. The group is delighted with this news and I would like to take the opportunity to thank Iain for doing so. 


The Disclaimer and  Small Print...

 The sources of the information will be credited on the relevant pages when possible. The Group do not claim to be experts, however, we try to be as accurate as possible with the information. Please note the information is only as accurate as the day the page was updated, (noted on the relevent page)If you find any information is incorrect or outdated please contact the group on hdsgange@gmail.com.


We are not responsible for the content of external sites.



If you would like more information please call Marie on: 07581347688 

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